My Weight Loss Progress

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Health and Wellbeing

These two really go hand in hand.  My health is a big thing for me.  I have had high blood pressure since I was 18.  There is no medical reason for it - it is simply Essential Hypertension and I have been medicated for many years.  Obviously it cannot be helped by the fact that I am overweight.  So if you add the blood pressure issues together with being overweight and also add gestational diabetes the most likely outcome is Type 2 Diabetes. 

So far I have avoided the diagnosis but I have come close and my body does not process sugar well hence it should be avoided.

Today I met with my endocrinologist, she manages my BP and also my sugar issues especially when I was pregnant.  Now I have weaned Abby we are about to shake things up a bit with my medication - time to try something new, I am also going back some other medication to assist with my insulin levels. 

To keep me focused today I have found a virtual weight loss avatar.  The first shot is my build at 102kg.  The second at 75kg.  I can do this! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're making such positive steps and building towards your goals. I always had a bit of an energy rush when I stopped breast feeding - hope the same happens for you :O)


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