My Weight Loss Progress

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 6 - Suddenly Alone

Well I did weight in on Friday and was pleased with my 2.2 kg loss bringing me down to 96.6kgs but it has certinaly been a tough one.

Last week my I discovered that my husband of 8 years has been having an affair for over 2 years.  Keep in mind that our little baby is only 7.5 months old.  He has walked out and left claiming that he no longer has feelings for me.  My life is shattered. 

So I guess part of the loss is a stress/not eating/feeling shit kind a loss.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 5 - Plus a bit!

Firstly I have changed my weigh in day to a Friday.  It just seems a bit easier as I find it easier to be strict during the week and then it gives me a little more freedom on the weekend.

I have managed a 600g loss this week.  Sure I was hoping for a little more but I am happy.  I really need to lift my game in the exercise area. 

I have also changed over my medication this week with a few yucky side effects.  I hope that they will settle down over the next week.

So that is that.  This week I am going to focus on my lunches and also ensure that my carb load is low for my evening meal.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Goals

As part of the Just Keep Swimming Team my goal is to take small quality steps toward life long weight loss and fitness.  I want to improve my self esteem, my confidence and my health.  I want to be a happy and healthy Mummy and Wife and enjoy every moment with my family, living life to the full.

I will loose a minimum of 25kg in 2011.

I will do cardio exercise at least 3 times each week for 40 minutes.

I will commence a hand weights programme 3 times a week from home.

I will increase my overall water intake to 2 litres each day.

I will eat consciously , plan my meals and record my calorie intake on a daily basis.

I will take time for myself each week to do something for me.

I will take small and steady steps towards my goals and not give up when things get tough.

My aim is to measure progress each month against these goals and track my progression to make me accountable and to stay true to myself.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 4 - On My Way!

I am so happy to report a 1kg loss this week!  My slow and steady plan is coming together and I am currently setting my goals for the coming months.

Will be back later with the ins and outs.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 3 - Getting My Act Together

Well a few days late but I am proud to report a 500g loss on Monday : ) 

I have really been focusing on my food this week - I have joined Calorie King and I am really thinking about everything that I put in my mouth. 

My darling SIL has lent me her treadmill for six months and it is currently taking pride of place in our lounge room!  My aim to to walk in the evening three to five times per week, building up to everyday.

Life has been a bit crazy with me returning to work so I hope to find my groove a little more over the coming weeks and complete my goal challenge with my Just Keep Swimming group.