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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Food - Not So Glorious Food

I used to love food, though I am more of a savoury girl than chocolate or sugar.  Post sleeve I am learning exactly how much I lived for food.  I ate for comfort, drowned my sorrows with wine and could eat whatever I wanted without feeling full.

Things are different now but I am learning that my eyes really are bigger than my tummy!  I know that my tummy can now only hold about 200ml but when I prepare food I just serve myself way too much.  Normally a quarter of the way through I am full - totally full.  There is no way I can eat anymore.  The rest keeps ending up in the bin.

I also need to think about drinking water.  I can't drink right before, during or after my meal.  The result is like pushing the food down into my tummy and then it simply bounces right back up.  I few times I have taken a sip only to suddenly remember and spit it back out again.

My focus is still on soft food and I have tried some lasagna (mushed up), toast and cottage cheese and I even tried some cous cous the other day.  The important focus is protein atm and I need to eat protein first and with every meal.  Protein keeps me full, helps with with weight loss and gives me the energy I need. 

The other thing that is strange is the way some things taste - sometimes things that I used to love are horrible.  Last Friday I decided to have a taste of my previously loved wine with some friends.  At first it was really vinegary and took me a few sips over an hour to enjoy the taste.    After I had finished my glass I was satisfied and happy, I didn't feel the need to race back and have another.  This is such a different life than the old me.

Well I guess it is time to grab some lunch.... although I know I am not feeling very hungry!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so interesting! You are amazing. What an undertaking this has been, but what a profound positive change has been made to your life (and that of your sweet children). How filling is protein?! More, combined proteins! I had a small meal of zucchini, broccoli with ricotta and tuna last night (seriously, all that was in it) and I couldn't finish!


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