My Weight Loss Progress

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Goals Update

Well just thought I had better update these -although I am running a litle behind I don't feed worried - just so happy to be healthy and slimmer : )

GoalsTo be under 90kg by 1st October - Achieved 8th October
To be under 85kg by 1st November - Achieved 3rd November
To be under 80kg by 1st December - Achieved 16th December
To be under 75kg by 1st January - Achieved 23rd January
To fit into a size 12 pair of jeans - Could probably do this but I am now aiming lower 23/01/12
To buy some size 12 swimmers

So guess it is time for a little reassessment, I have decided that I am going to plod along until a get to under 70kg and then do a total re-think of my plans and health goals.  Toning is an issue - especially with my arms and I need to think seriously about what to do about it and commit to a plan.

My only other concern is how to STOP the weight loss.  In theory they say that your body will stop naturally when it reaches a healthy weight but I know some poeple have kept losing.  I guess time will tell.  Time for some research on the Gastric Sleeve Forum.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 20

Well I should be happy with my result this week but honestly part of it has come from this horrible gastro bug that I have.  It is simply yuck.

My weight this week has dropped to 74.9kg - so I lost 1kg and now a grand total of 28.1kg.

I am going back to bed to sulk : (

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 19

Well I have lost another 1.6kg this week.  So very excited to see 75.9kg on the scales this morning, brings my total loss to 27.1kg.

I had very stressful weekend and hence the lack of food probably affected the numbers today.  When I feel stressed or down these days I no longer crave food  - I ignore it.

Getting closer and closer to a "normal" BMI, can't wait to be in the healthy range.

I have ummmed and ahhhed about doing Michelle Bridges 12 week thingo which starts today but my heart really isn't in it atm.  Zac is about to start school, my parenting plan with the ex is changing and work is so very very busy....  I figure I just don't need the added stress.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Typical Day...

Since I first recovered from my op, eating food has become easier and easier.  I would say that I can now eat anything that I enjoyed before just in smaller amounts. 

Somethings I just no longer feel like.  Fast Food falls into this area.  I don't crave it - no do I find it at all appealing.  Just the thought of those horrible white sweet tasting hamburger buns turns my tummy.  I also can't fathom the idea or heaps of rice or pasta.

My typical day would be made up of one of each from the following lists.

Isowhey Chocolate Shake made with full cream milk, and some benefibre or
1 Egg on multigrain toast or
1 Scrambled egg with some ham and tomato or
Greek Yogurt with some fruit

Cheese snack pack with crackers or
Slices of ham or
12 Almonds

Small premade sandwich style wrap or
1 Cup of Chicken & corn soup or
2/3 Cruskits with avocado and prawns or
2/3 Cruskits with cottage cheese or
3 Ricepaper rolls with prawns or
Pack of sushi mini rolls with avocado

Small steak and salad or
Fish and salad or
Chicken and salad or
Thai stirfry with prawns or
2 small slices or homemade pizza or
Tacos with the family but I make mine up with no taco - just on a plate or
1/2 Cup of seafood marinara with a little rice

I also take a daily multivitamin and iron tablet.

Unfortunately I keep forgetting to take photos before I eat : )  So I will come back and update with some more shots of the next few days.

I guess the other thing that is a naughty habit is my wine.  I normally have one or two glasses a night and more than that on the weekend.  It does seem to slow my losses but I am still losing and and I am happy. 

The biggest thing that is different now is that full feeling... it creeps up and you HAVE to stop.  Just one more bite gives me the sweats and the need to lie down.  It normally passes very quickly but sometimes the only relief is being sick : (

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 18

Just popping in to give my weekly update.  I have lost another 1kg this week!  That brings my total to 25.6kg lost and my weight to 77.5kg!

Been spending lots of time at the pool and beach with the kids and I really need to buy some new swimmers soon.  The tops are still ok but the bottoms are so loose and baggy - I am getting scared that I will loose them!  I don't fear going swimming anymore.... in fact I even braved the water slides with my little boy on Saturday.  It feels so great not to be just an onlooker in their lives.  I not longer sit on the sidelines - I don't care what people think of me - I love getting in and having fun with my children. 

One thing that I really do notice these days is how much people eat.  I was one of those people.  My plate piled high and never ever getting that feeling of being full.  I some times feel sad when I see them consuming all that food.  I know that lots of them must be unhappy and I almost feel like running over and telling them about my operation.

I eat small regular meals now. Mostly high in protein and low in carbs.  It amazes me how little our bodies need to survive.  I am full of energy, I'm not hungry and I eat all the yummy things I love.  This week I will give you some snap shots of what I eat each day and the types of things I can eat, so stay tuned.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Photo Update - Week 17

So here are my comparison shots from then till now.  Even the tan looks good!  Even though I am now buying small size 14's and some size 12's and I know that I have lost so much weight  - I still feel big - especially my tummy and my arms.

Really looking to ramp things up a little now that the New Year is here and get down to my goal weight of 70kg.  Infact I think I would be delighted with 73.....  but we will see how we go.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 17

Well I think things have caught up with me over the last week and I haven't got any weight loss to report - in fact it has been all over the shop with the scales jumping up and own each day.  Hence I am going pass on my numbers this week and just share a few photos.

The first one I found on the work files....  omg it scares me!  The last one was taken on NYE before a fabulous night out.  What a difference!