My Weight Loss Progress

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 22

Sorry for not updating last week - the scales were flat so I decided not to bother : )

So this week I have lost 1.2kg.  Bringing my weight to 73.7kg and a total loss of 29.3kg.  I have also reached under 25 for my BMI - which is in the healthy range!

Feeling great and happy with all things weigh loss but I have been struggling emotionally with relationships.  Things aren't quite going to plan and I also think it is because the anniversary of my marriage breakdown is looming.  So much has happened in the past year.  I think it is time to take stock, re-group and emotionally re-gather as I start the second year as a single parent and a whole new me in terms of confidence and being at a healthy weight.


  1. Hang in there, Leesa :) FWIW, I've been reading your blog for the last several months, and despite the relationship woes you've just mentioned, I think you're doing fabulously. You're an inspiration ! As Dory says, "just keep swimming !"

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comment - it realy made my smile. I think I got ditched from the "dory" group but that is ok. Times have changed. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


Do you relate? I welcome comments and positive feedback!